Thursday, February 13, 2025

Simple Tiger's Dream (GLOG Class: Assassin)

For the Assassin bandwagon

Lesser men than you skulk in the shadows with knives and poison like spiders under a log. When day shows his face they cringe and flee from the light, mere murderous cowards. You are neither - does a predator murder its prey?

Juan Manuel Castro Prieto
A: What The Hammer, Catlike Tread, +1 to hit
B: Terrible Shadow, Cartilage System
C: Shear, +1 to hit
D: Utter Incompetence

What The Hammer: You could cut a man's throat with a glass of water, or stave his skull in with a thimble. All improvised weapons in your hands count as a light weapon, regardless of their size or practicality. At C template, they do +2 damage.

Catlike Tread: Your footsteps are always as quiet as slippers on a marble floor. You can leap gaps a person could with a runup without a runup, and scale things that they could with equipment and preparation without it.

Terrible Shadow: Whenever you want to be feared by people with equal or less HD than you, you are; in combat this equates to a [HD] malus to their morale rolls. Figures in positions of authority always hold at least begrudging respect towards you.

Cartilage System: Your body is far looser than it appears; you can conceal yourself wherever a child could.

Shear: Your arms are like terrible scissors - whenever you would kill someone you can choose to just maim or cripple them in some way. The wounds trend towards the quick and horrible; oftentimes all that's needed is a message.

Utter Incompetence: Your body cracks in peoples' minds like a calving glacier. With your gaze you can make a person with equal or less HD than you make a morale check to save vs unconsciousness. If they have 1 HD, this instead becomes a morale save vs death.

Simple Tiger's Dream (GLOG Class: Assassin)

For the A s s a s s i n b a n d w a g on Lesser men than you skulk in the shadows with knives and poison like spiders under a log. When day...