Saturday, August 22, 2020

D10 Angelic Magic Items

I'm in the process of making an angelic depthcrawl, and I decided that I need some cool magic items to lure players into the depths of the deadly abbey. So, I've created this list.

  1. Tongue of Tongues. Long and purple, this is one of the 144,000 tongues of Metatron, the Voice of God. If you cut off your own tongue and replace it with this, you can speak and understand all languages.
  2. Martyr's Skull. Belonging a to a person who was killed in some hideously painful way, you can heal someone for up to 6 hp while holding the skull, but lose that same amount of hp as the martyr's wounds form on your body.
  3. Goblet of Filth. This golden goblet can generate up to 5 gallons of churning, squirming, foul-smelling filth at a time. You can't tell if it's alive or not.
  4. Thundering Lantern. This lantern is lit by a feather of an angel of thunder, and has a mechanism that lets you focus the light into a small beam. If you speak his name while doing so, the light will slowly but surely melt through any inanimate object it touches.
  5. Cherubim's Chime. This small bell, when rung, summons a cherubim, a floating marble head surrounded by wings and gold filigree. It can create light, and will alert you of danger.
  6. Saint's Sarcophagus. A gilded and bejeweled coffin with a glass lid and inner velvet cushioning, held aloft by cherubim. You can still cast spells while sealed inside, and you won't suffocate.
  7. Sanctified Blood. This vial of blood acts as a simple healing potion, though it is also mildly intoxicating. Large amounts can cause hallucinations of a religious nature.
  8. Homunculus Shell. A crude clay statue of a person, with a hole in its chest. You can bind someone's soul to the shell; if they would die, their soul transfers to the shell, and they lose 1D3 from each stat, to a minimum of 3 in that stat.
  9. Chains of the Penitent. These platinum shackles do not restrict movement when a person acts morally just. However, if they do something unjust by an angel's standards, they suddenly draw tight, restricting movement and becoming painfully tight and hot until the wearer repents.
  10. Choir Collar. This golden choker raises the wearer's singing voice to a beautiful soprano, high and loud enough to shatter glass, and given enough time, crystals and gems.


  1. These are excellent! Mind if I, uh, steal a few?

  2. Replies
    1. A dungeon/area where you randomly generate the rooms, details that change them, and what's inside. Generally, treasure gets better, rooms get stranger, and monsters get more dangerous as you go deeper. Think Gardens of Ynn.


Shining Rainbow Vehicles (GLOG Class: Magician)

  A remix of the Wonder-Worker from the eminent Locheil, adjusted for my own setting preferences. The Universal Sage walked down to the ear...