Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Grotesque Grimoire of GLOGgish Ghouls and Goblins #1: Gundead

 When you really think about it, being shot is a brutal way to go. A tiny chunk of hot lead, ripping through skin, muscle, fat, and bone at over 1.5k miles an hour. Headshots, especially, are nasty. It isn't like a game or movie, where it's a small, clean hole; no, when you shoot someone in the head, bone sprays out and brain splatters. Is it any wonder that, when a weapon causes this much violence, sometimes it hungers for more?

When a gun kills enough, when it sends enough souls to heaven or hell or wherever else, it occasionally becomes aware, a Gundead. It gains a mind and personality, and the power to overwrite the minds and personalities of others. Gundead are always arrogant and bloodthirsty, though this manifests in different ways. A shotgun might be brutal and vulgar, a sniper rifle would be cold and distant, a revolver might have a superficial sense of honor, and so on. Whatever the case, they'll try to make the rest of your life short and painful.

Gundead have 1 HD and no physical stats. Their host has HD, AC, and physical stats appropriate to what they were before they were overwritten. Although they speak through their host, they try not to reveal their true state, so that they aren't immediately destroyed. If a person picks up a Gundead, they must make a CHA save, or have their movements hijacked by the Gundead. If they fail a second save the turn after, their mind is overwritten by the Gundead's; even if freed, they'll still keep lingering personality traits.  

Wants: To kill for fun, to do it in the most impressive/brutal way possible, to boast and be flattered

Greater Gundead: Sometimes, a Gundead is wielded for so long by a single body that they begin to favor it. Even if the body is killed, rather than find a new host, they'll command it to rise again. Eventually, the body will become a walking skeleton, still clutching its gun. These Gundead can only be killed if their host is destroyed, and the host can't be destroyed unless it is turned to ash and scattered to the four winds.

1 comment:

  1. Coins and Scrolls had a post about Gibberlings, ghosts that are killed so fast and in such a surprising way that they don't even realise they are dead. I imagine an unsuspecting headshot from behind would do the trick!


Simple Tiger's Dream (GLOG Class: Assassin)

For the A s s a s s i n b a n d w a g on Lesser men than you skulk in the shadows with knives and poison like spiders under a log. When day...